Andres Veiel

Director and Script Writer

About Filmography Work samples News and dates

Andres Veiel is considered one of the most distinguished representatives of politically engaged art in Germany. One of his distinctive characteristics is the intense, in some cases multiannual research for his projects.

From 1985 until 1989 he studied psychology at FU Berlin and at the same time received a training in film dramaturgy and directing by the Polish director Krzystof Kieslowski at Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin.

In addition to his film works Andres Veiel writes and directs stage plays , i.a. at  Theater Basel, Schauspiel Stuttgart, Gorki-Theater and Deutsches Theater (Berlin).

German, English (fluent), French (intermediate)

Premio CINEMA & ARTS Award for Best Picture, 81st Venedig International Film Festival 2024
Cine Docs Prize, Miskolc Cine Fest Festival 2024
Gilde Filmpreis für den besten Dokumentarfilm 2024
Critics’ Prize 14th Film Festival Valencienes 2024
Grand Jury Prize 14th Film Festival Valencienes 2024

Ecocide (television film)
Nomination for Best Screenplay Award 2021 by German Academy of Television

Beuys (documentary)
Gilde Film Award for Best Documentary 2017
German Film Award 2018 in Gold for Best Documentary

Who if not Us (feature film)
Berlinale Competition Alfred-Bauer-Award 2011 for Best Innovative Film
Gilde Award 2011
German Film Award 2011 in Bronze for Best Feature Film
Nomination for Director’s Award “Metropolis” 2011
Hessian Film Award for Best Feature Film 2011
Festival de Cine Europeo de Sevilla Award in Silver 2011
10th Pune Intl. Film Festival, Best Intl. Picture 2012
10th German Audio Film Award 2012
Mejor Opera Prima, Muestra Internacional de Cine Santo Domingo 2012

The Kick
(filmed version of Andres Veiel’s play of the same name)
Grand Prix, Visions du Reel 2006, Nyon
Best Film, New Berlin Film Award 2006
Film of the Year 2006 (Protestant Jury)
Special Nomination for 44th Adolf-Grimme-Award 2008

Addicted to Acting
Audience Award “Panorama”-Section, Berlinale 2004
Best Documentary Award by Bavarian Rundfunk, Internationales Dokumentarfilmfestival München
Nomination European Film Award 2004
German Film Critics Award 2005
Best Documentary Award Baden-Wuerttemberg 2005

Black Box Germany
Hessian Film Award 2001
Bavarian Film Award 2001
European Film Award 2001
Documentary of the Year 2001 (Protestant Jury)
International Filmfestival Santa Barbara, USA, 2002
Best Documentary Film
German Film Award 2002

The Survivors
Nomination German Film Award 1996
Best Documentary Intl. Dokumentarfilmfest München 1996
Documentary Award Bavarian Rundfunk 1997
Adolf Grimme Award 1998

IFFS Award 1994
Peace Award Berlin Film Festival 1994
Otto Sprenger Young Talent Award 1994
German Film Award 1994 (in Silver)

Honorary Awards for Lifetime Achievements

Konrad-Wolf-Preis, Akademie der Künste Berlin 2005
DEFA Award for the Advancement of German Film Art 2006
Federal Cross of Merit First Class 2017

Cinema & TV (selection)
Director and Script
in production
81st Venice International Film Festival 2024 (WP)
51st Telluride Film Festival 2024, USA
20th CineFest Miskolc International Film Festival 2024, Hungary
Film Festival Cologne 2024 (opening film)
Premio CINEMA & ARTS Award for Best Picture, 81st Venice International Film Festival 2024
Cine Docs Prize, Miskolc Cine Fest Festival 2024
Gilde Film Award for Best Documentary 2024
Critics' Prize 14th Film Festival Valencienes 2024
Grand Jury Prize 14th Film Festival Valencienes 2024
Vincent Production with WDR
cinema documentary
Director and Script
Co-Script: Jutta Doberstein
Nomination for Best Screenplay Award 2021 by German Academy of Television
zero one film for NDR/WDR/rbb
TV movie
Director and Script
67th Berlinale 2017, Competition
Gilde Film Award for Best Documentary 2017
German Film Award 2018 in Gold for Best Documentary
zero one film
cinema documentary
Director and Script
61st Intl. Berlin Film Festival 2011
Alfred-Bauer-Preis 2011
Preis der Gilde deutscher Filmkunsttheater 2011
Deutscher Filmpreis in Bronze 2011 Bester Film
Nominierung für den Regiepreis "Metropolis" 2011
Hessischer Filmpreis in der Kategorie Bester Spielfilm 2011
Festival de Cine Europeo de Sevilla, Hauptpreis in Silber 2011
10. Pune International Film Festival, Best International Picture 2012
10. Deutscher Hörfilmpreis in der Kategorie Kino 2012
Mejor Opera Prima der Muestra Internacional de Cine Santo Domingo 2012
zero one film
feature film
The Kick based on Andres Veiel's play of the same name
Director and Script
56th Berlinale 2006, Panorama (Premiere)
Grand Prix, Visions du Reel 2006, Nyon
Best Film, New Berlin Film Award 2006
Film of the Year 2006
Nomination 44th Adolf-Grimme-Prize 2008, Special Award
nachtaktivfilm/Journal Film Volkenborn KG with ZDFtheaterkanal
feature film
Addicted to Acting
Director and Script
54. Berlinale 2004, Panorama (UA)
Audience Award Panorama, Berlin Film Festival 2004
Dokumentary Film Award Bavarian Public TV, International Dokumentary Film Festival Munich 2004
Nomination European Film Award 2004
German Film Critics Award 2005
Baden-Wuerttemberg Dokumentary Film Award 2005
Journal Film Volkenborn KG
cinema documentary
Director and Script
Festival del Film Locarno 2001
Hessian Film Award 2001
Bavarian Film Award 2001
European Film Award 2001
Documentary of the Year 2001
International Film Festival Santa Barbara, USA, 2002, Best Documentary
German Film Award 2002
Zero Film
cinema documentary
The Survivors
Director and Script
46th Intl. Berlin Film Festival 1996, Intl. Forum of Young Cinema (Premiere)
Nomination German Film Award 1996
Best Documentary International Dokumentary Film Festival Munic
Documentary Film Award of Bavarian Public TV
Adolf Grimme Prize 1998
Journal Film Volkenborn KG
cinema documentary
Director and Script
44th Berlinale 1994, Intl. Forum (UA)
German Film Award 1994 (in silver)
Peace Award Berliner Film Festival 1994
Otto Sprenger Preis 1994 for Young Talents
FICC Critic Award 1994 (Dokfilmwoche Leipzig)
IFFS Best Documentary Award 1994 (Intern. Federation of Film Societies)
Journal Film Volkenborn KG
cinema documentary
Winter Night's Dream
Director and Script
Journal Film Volkenborn KG
cinema documentary
theatre plays / theatre productions/ audio plays

2021 “Ecocide”
author, co-author Jutta Doberstein
performance rights: Fischer Theater Verlag, Frankfurt/Main

premiere September 2021 at Staatstheater Stuttgart

2018 “Let Them Eat Money”
author & director, co-author Jutta Doberstein
performance rights: Fischer Theater Verlag, Frankfurt/Main

premiere in September 2018 at Deutsches Theater (Berlin)

festivals and guest performances:
Staatsschauspiel Hannover
Theater Siegen
Theater Chemnitz

audio version rbb/Deutschlandradio Kultur

2017 “Which Future” participatory laboratory
Deutsches Theater Berlin
author & director, co-author Jutta Doberstein

2013 “Das Himbeerreich”
author & director
performance rights: Fischer Theater Verlag, Frankfurt/Main

premiere in January 2013 Staatstheater Stuttgart and Deutsches Theater Berlin

The play has been translated in many languages and performed on national and international stages (Staatstheater Nürnberg, Aachen, Kiel, Kassel, Frankfurt, Neuss, Freiburg, Köln, Cottbus; Prag, Mailand, Rotterdam, Bydgosz / Polen and many more) In 2014 public broadcaster RBB recorded an audio version that was broadcasted by many stations.

festivals and guest performances:
Theater Luxemburg
Schauspielhaus Zürich
Biennale Siegen

audio play rbb

2005 “The Kick”
author & director, co-author Gesine Schmidt
performance rights: Fischer Theater Verlag, Frankfurt/Main
premiere: Theater Basel in coproduction with Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin

The play has been translated in many languages and performed on approx. 100 national and international stages (Burgtheater Wien, Thalia Hamburg, Staatstheater Stuttgart, Nürnberg, München, Moskau, Warschau, Santiago de Chile, Split, Prishtina, Osaka, Prag and many more).

Friedrich-Luft-Award (Best Berlin Production 2005)
Best Theatre Play Season 2004/2005 (Silver), Theater heute
Best Theatre Play, Mülheimer Theatertage 2006 (Nomination)
Robert Geisendörfer Award 2007 for the audio play “The Kick”
Cologne Theatre Award 2007 SK Stiftung Kultur
Theatre Play of the Year 2007 (production by Theater im Bauturm)
Kurt-Hackenberg-Award for Political Theatre (Nomination)

Theaterfestival Bern, April 2006
Berliner Theatertreffen, May 2006
Mülheimer Theatertage (play competition), June 2006
Theaterbiennale Wiesbaden – New Plays from Europa, June 2006
Festival of European Drama, Santiago de Chile, August 2006

audio play rbb, BR

1991 “The Last Rehersal”
author & director
performance rights: Fischer Theater Verlag, Frankfurt/Main

premiere: Theater am Halleschen Ufer/Akademie der Künste (Berlin) 1991

1987 “Hier drin kannst Du alles haben – ein Stück Knast”
author & director
performance rights: Fischer Theater Verlag, Frankfurt/Main

premiere: Justizvollzugsanstalt Tegel, Berlin

books & publications (selection)

„Sie nennen es Sterbehaus“
together with Marc Brost
Dossier in ZEIT 46 / 2015
Ernst Schneider Award 2016
German Journalist Award 2016

“Das Himbeerreich” published in “Theater, Theater” (Aktuelle Stücke 24), Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag 2013

“1968 – Bildspur eines Jahres”
co-author: Gerd Koenen
Fackelträger Verlag, Köln 2008

“Dokumentarfilm. Werkstattberichte”
publisher, together with Beatice Ottersbach
UVK Verlagsgesellschaft, Konstanz 2008

“Der Kick – ein deutsches Lehrstück der Gewalt”
Deutsche Verlagsanstalt (DVA), February 2007, soft cover by Random House, 2009
book fair 2008: Youth Literary Award

“Der Kick” published in “Theater, Theater” (Aktuelle Stücke 16), Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag 2006

“Black Box BRD – Alfred Herrhausen, die Deutsche Bank, Wolfgang Grams und die RAF”
published by Deutsche Verlagsanstalt (DVA), 2002 and Fischer Taschenbuch Nr. 15985, 2004

“Hier drin kannst Du alles haben – ein Stück Knast” published in “Theater, Theater” (Aktuelle Stücke 2), Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag 1992

Literature on Andres Veiel

Nikolas Fischer: Das Kino des Andres Veiel. Politische Filme im Balanceakt zwischen Dokument und Fiktion. Mensch und Buch Verlag, Berlin 2009

Claudia Lenssen: Andres Veiel. Streitbare Zeitbilder. Schüren, Marburg 2019

Andre Bartoniczek: Ästhetische Geschichtserkenntnis – Historische Erinnerung im filmischen Werk Andres Veiels, Transkript Verlag, Februar 2022

cinema documentary, Vincent Production with WDR
Director: Andres Veiel
Script: Andres Veiel
81st Venice International Film Festival 2024 (WP)
51st Telluride Film Festival 2024, USA
20th CineFest Miskolc International Film Festival 2024, Hungary
Film Festival Cologne 2024 (opening film)
Premio CINEMA & ARTS Award for Best Picture, 81st Venice International Film Festival 2024
Cine Docs Prize, Miskolc Cine Fest Festival 2024
Gilde Film Award for Best Documentary 2024
Critics' Prize 14th Film Festival Valencienes 2024
Grand Jury Prize 14th Film Festival Valencienes 2024
TV movie, zero one film for NDR/WDR/rbb
Director: Andres Veiel
Script: Andres Veiel (with Jutta Doberstein)
Costume design: Gioia Raspé
with Friedericke Becht, Nina Kunzendorf, Edgar Selge, Ulrich Tukur
cinema documentary, zero one film
Director: Andres Veiel
Script: Andres Veiel
67th Berlinale 2017, Competition
Gilde Film Award for Best Documentary 2017
German Film Award 2018 in Gold for Best Documentary
If Not Us, Who?
feature film, zero one film
Director: Andres Veiel
Script: Andres Veiel
DoP: Judith Kaufmann
Production design: Christian M. Goldbeck
61st Intl. Berlin Film Festival 2011
The Kick
based on Andres Veiel's play of the same name
feature film, nachtaktivfilm/Journal Film Volkenborn KG with ZDFtheaterkanal
Director: Andres Veiel
Script: Andres Veiel (with Gesine Schmidt)
56th Berlinale 2006, Panorama (Premiere)
Grand Prix, Visions du Reel 2006, Nyon
Best Film, New Berlin Film Award 2006
Film of the Year 2006
Nomination 44th Adolf-Grimme-Prize 2008, Special Award
Black Box BRD
cinema documentary, Zero Film
Director: Andres Veiel
Script: Andres Veiel
Festival del Film Locarno 2001
Hessian Film Award 2001
Bavarian Film Award 2001
European Film Award 2001
Documentary of the Year 2001
International Film Festival Santa Barbara, USA, 2002, Best Documentary
German Film Award 2002
from 31.10.2024
in cinemas
Majestic Filmverleih